Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Cats Chaos!

Feeding rice and milk to a cat and her seemingly innocent kittens didn't seem like a silly thing to do, a couple of weeks back. I committed this act of generosity even though I felt petrified by 2 of the kittens. There was no reason why I should have fed kittens that showed their teeth to me, but I did it nonetheless. I don't know why.

The 'mom cat' is primarily white (I don't mean British) and she has a few patches of yellowish-brown and black on her. This multicoloured cat, obviously named Kitty, has 4 kittens each of a different colour, you name it: white, brown, black and grey. The last two are pretty notorious. One glance at them and I had realised what they were made of. And didn't they prove me right yesterday! So, talking about yesterday......I returned back home last night to see that to my horror, these two crazy kittens had spent a whole day locked at my home. Scared to enter my own home, I tip-toed through the mess and meows, to discover the kittens had nicely relieved themselves at various spots that they found comforting. But apart from this, there was no breakage etc. These dumb or rather exceedingly clever kittens must have quietly slipped into my home, in the few seconds before I would have locked the door last morning and i had not even heard a चू!

What this event made me realise (as if i didn't already know) is that cats are basically opportunistic, strange and surreptitious. They think they own any place that they like. How convenient right? And yes, curiosity would have actually killed the kittens had I left for a longer duration ...maybe a holiday. Moreover, its quite terrifying when Kitty starts howling at night, soon as the male cat comes to take away the kittens. That's such a wierd thing to do, to abduct your own kids! I just learnt that this could be becasue different kittens in a litter may have different fathers. Weird isnt it? Garfield, I feel is the only cat one can relate to in some ways. He is really so funny and different!

Despite this new found wisdom that dawned on me yesterday, I still felt a little guilty for having separated the kittens from their mom (who waited eagerly, outside the door all day) and for having wasted a day out of their nine lives. To make up for it, guess what did i do ?......
I fed them rice and milk all over again!